Rita offers Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT) on the Biomat.
What is IMT? Just as a doctor might use a heart beat to gain information about the heart and cardiovascular system, so too an IMT therapist measures inherent anatomical and physiologic rhythms to assess different systems in the body (i.e. lymphatic, nervous, fascial, circulatory system). For example, the lymphatic system has a distinct rhythm which can be used to identify inadequate immune system support within the lymph vessels or at lymph nodes. |
Dawn is a Licensed Massage Therapist. She also offers IMT and Biomat sessions.
"I was introduced to body work therapies at an early age after being diagnosed with a chronic illness. Regular sessions brought comfort and relief and made a tremendous impact on my life. My practice has a medical focus utilizing myofascial, cranial, and neuro-muscular techniques promoting greater awareness of the cause of underlying stress patterns and ways to make lasting results." Visit her website http://momentumtherapiesllc.com/Home.html |